The acknowledged resilience of this ‘Great People’ is testimony that despite its sad history of violence, it still has the “chance for a new start.”

What UPDM Stands For

UPDM aims to play a major role in assisting/taking up responsibilities in/for the formulation of fundamental policies and legislation within which a future democratic non-tribal government will operate. This role will include developing processes and spearhead initiatives to ensure the advancement of the public interest through programs and services developed. To fulfill this noble role, UPDM remains optimistic that the availed resource will be useful in informing the decisions of those who will have the privilege to serve the people at all levels.

The consensus to be desired by the people of South Sudan should be in search and promotion of knowledge, to take pride in their rich cultural heritage and traditions and the desire to focus on a better future. The acknowledged resilience of this ‘Great People’ is testimony that despite its sad history of violence, it still has the “chance for a new start.”

The Government We Are Seeking

It is in our people’s interest to vote for and support a government of the people that in turn supports them legislatively, and morally while at the same time financially ensuring the country’s autonomy, vitality, and freedoms. It is the duty of the government to ensure that its different organs are properly held accountable for the money and privileges granted to them.

The government that UPDM aspires to establish will be the primary guardian of the public interest and has a responsibility to clarify broad public priorities and directions for the guidance of its institutions as it goes about its business. The UPDM government will have the primary responsibility for ensuring that all the institutions work together to provide an array of programs and services in a cost-effective manner.

Our Desired Outcome

The outcome must reflect the following: A constructive political discourse of doable programmes and targeted interventions that strengthen democracy and governance, institution building, human rights, and sustainable economic growth.


UPDM will use every acquired legitimacy and responsibilities to ensure that the peoples of South Sudan act together to produce mutual benefits that both accommodate and transcend the interests of each of the parties.

The MUST be inclusive and transparent planning process will seek to bring “lasting positive change” to the people of South Sudan and its neighbors by fighting the root causes of poverty: weak institutions and the lack of productive capacity that hinder economic growth and development.